Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Drive-in Movie Theater


Planning & Zoning 

The Stonington Little League is requesting permission to upgrade the facility.

a.       Drive-in Movie Theater

b.       Refurbish bathrooms to comply with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

The Drive-in Movie Theater would raise funds for the activities of the Leagues.

The restrooms rarely have a line and there has not been a need for ADA access, but someone with disabilities may have the need for updated restrooms in the future. Noise and Vibration. Noise levels as measured for the following uses shall not exceed the following levels when measured at the property line on the typical A-Weighted Sound Level (using ANSI S1, 4-1981 type 2). .1 Residential District 55 dBA .2 Business District 65 dBA .3 Manufacturing District 75 dBA .4 Noise levels in general shall not exceed a sustained level of 45 dBA in any District between 10:00 p.m. in the evening and 6:00 a.m. in the morning

Drive-in Movie Theater would have FM transmission of sound for car radio reception to restrict the noise level.

2.13.3 Site Design – All Districts In order to promote good design of projects and to provide open spaces consistent with the regulation requirements, any requirements for buffers, integral lot areas, designated open spaces, common recreation spaces, floor area, neighborhood area, parking requirements, and noninfringement areas are to be shown in separate identifiable locations on site plans and the areas required are not to be counted or treated for any of the other areas specified in this section.

Stonington Little League is set back from North Anguilla Road with a tree-line buffer. The property is on 20.91 acres with five ballfields promoting open space, parking, and recreation (baseball and softball).

2.13.5 Residential Character. No structure or alteration shall detract from the residential characteristics or predominate style of the neighborhood in which the proposal is located.

Stonington Little League is set back from North Anguilla Road with a tree-line buffer.

3.1 RESIDENTIAL GBR-130, RC-120 ZONES [ADOPTED AUGUST 9, 1979] Purpose: GBR-130. This zone is located on fragile aquifer, watershed, streambelt, inland wetland and significant adjoining areas so as to preserve them for the future and present needs. Recreational uses and structures such as, but not limited to,

swimming pools and tennis courts. Non-profit associations, clubs, museums, or art institutions, minimum lot requirement – five (5) acres.   

(Stonington Little League covers 20.91 acres).                                                                         

. 1 Gift shops up to 1,000 square feet and snack bars up to 100 seats (available only for non-profit organizations).


7.21 NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (NDD) [ADOPTED NOVEMBER 16, 2005] 7.21.1 General.                                                                                                                                     The Planning and Zoning Commission recognized that there exists commercial properties located in close proximity to the village cores which create a unique opportunity for neighborhood development as acknowledged in and Stonington Zoning Regulations -- Revised through July 1, 2009 238 described as essential for, implementation in the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD). The development of these sites are a sensitive matter to the Town and the neighborhoods being impacted, as such any decisions and determinations made with respect to these properties would require assurances for the Town and its residents that its existence and future plans will enhance, and not disrupt, the surrounding residential neighborhood. Accordingly the Planning and Zoning Commission does hereby create a special Neighborhood Development District (NDD).

Stonington Little League is set back from North Anguilla Road with a tree-line buffer. A sports complex could include tennis courts and be available to other sports (soccer, tennis, football)

7.21.2 Statement of Purpose. The NDD is intended to: encourage the reclamation of underutilized commercial parcels and permit new construction, renovation and/or adaptive re-use at these sites; promote diversified housing opportunities, including, but not limited to, mixed-use development uses; and preserve and enhance the Town’s historic character, sensitive environmental resources and these neighborhoods in the village cores. This zone is intended to allow for the establishment, continuation and expansion of such uses and activities in ways that will maintain and enhance compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods. Factors to be considered by the Commission in approving the NDD include: The proposed uses and layout are in conformity with and in furtherance of the goals and objective contained in the POCD. Stonington Zoning Regulations -- Revised through July 1, 2009 239 Harmony and compatibility with surrounding residential neighborhoods, land uses and the village cores, including adequate buffers that are consistent with the existing condition on the site, neighborhood and/or village core, promotion of pedestrian safety, provision for adequate parking, minimized impact of motor vehicles, and prevention of glare to adjacent properties from lighting on-site. To the extent practical, commercial traffic shall be directed to major thoroughfares and away from residential streets. Furtherance of the goals, standards and policies of the Connecticut Coastal Area Management Act.

Stonington Little League is set back from North Anguilla Road with a tree-line buffer and a large parking lot. Permitted Uses. Uses permitted in the NDD shall include:                                                                              

.42 Recreational Facilities: Public or Private                                                                                           .52 Theaters.

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